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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Took my Australian visitors on the lake cruise in Putrajaya Malaysia

Took a Malay wooden boat called "perahu" for a cruise on Putrajaya lake with my Australian visitors. We were able to see a lot of interesting buildings along the lake.

Below is a picture of the Putrajaya Floating Mosque.

Long distance shot of the Prime Ministers residence.

The Prime Minister's office.

My son and I.

Due to safety reasons, we are all required to wave life vests. Due to the hot weather, it was uncomfortable.

One of the many intricate bridges spanning the lake.

A close up of the intricate bridge.

The Putrajaya Botanical gardens. A marquee has been set up. A wedding perhaps?

Loads of people. It is the wedding season after all.

The Prime Minister's residence.

No guards.

The many small jetty along the lake.

Another interestingly designed bridge.

My guests as well as my kids.

The esplanade.

The Sultan of Selangor's Palace.

Some commercial offices.

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