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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recycling Initiative: Rain water harvesting

Rain water harvesting is the cheapest and easiest recycling initiative that any household can do. There are many way harvesting rain water but in this posting I will detail a more elegant way to do it.

This is a design of a well designed rain water harvesting system for homes. It can be used for bungalows as well as linked houses. The volume of harvested water will depend on rainfall as well as the surface of the catchment area.

A typical home in Malaysia is generally roofed either using roof tiles or zinc plates. This is not not a major issue if the purpose of the rain water is for non-potable use.

1. Identify the roof plane (catchment area):
Once you have identified which part of your roof that you want to be the catchment area, you will have to build a gutter system. the pipes leading down from the gutter should go through a rock based filtration system that will eliminate all the solid suspended waste in the water. From there it should the water should head towards an underground storage area.

2. Storage area:
Underground storage area would be the ideal solution to this problem. Having an above ground storage area will mean less area around the house to be useful. The best system is to create a concrete cistern.

3. Filtration system:
A simple rock based filtration system is enough to make the water clean for non-potable use.

4. Pumping system:
If your property is on a slope, you can design the cistern to be at a slightly higher level (see diagram above) and you can use gravity to pump the harvested water. Otherwise, you may want to have hand pump or a simple bucket-and-rope system to access the water.

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