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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Malaysian Politics: Leave Gerakan, Wanita Head Tells Kah Choon

"KUALA LUMPUR, April 22 (Bernama) -- Gerakan Wanita head Datuk Tan Lian Hoe had called on former deputy secretary-general Datuk Lee Kah Choon to surrender his party membership after accepting posts in two Penang government agencies."

Confirms the old adage; politicians do not have moral standing. How could someone, after years of political confrontation suddenly embrace his enemy just like that? Is it because the payoff of the salaries as well as the powers that comes with those positions allows him to effectively sell him ideals? These are questions that he must answer to his party as well as the nation.

My personal view? Cut him off like how one would cut of a gangrened foot.

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