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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King

The hugely successful Sikorsky S-61 platform has been adapted to a wide
variety of roles including ASW, SAR, VIP transport and AEW forms.

Designation: Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King
Classification Type: Ship-based Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopter
Contractor: Sikorsky - USA
Country of Origin: United States
Initial Year of Service: 1961
Number Built: 1,100

At its peak, the Sikorsky SH-3 series of naval aircraft was a widely used
and successful platform utilized in anti-submarine warfare and search and
rescue operations. Development stemmed from a United States Navy 1957
contract proposal that would produce a flying prototype by 1959. Operational
service was attained a short two years later.

In service, the SH-3 was called upon to accomplish one of the more important
roles in fleet defense - protection from enemy submarines. As such, the
aircraft was usually the first platform aloft, an indication of the
importance of the type. Aided by the AQS81B dipping sonar radar, MAD,
sonobuoys and a fleet-wide linkup, the Sea King could effectively provide an
entire fleet with results of her readings. Standard armament could be 2 or 4
torpedoes along with chaff pods for self-defense against enemy missiles.
Other armament configurations would see the Sea King sporting anti-ship
missiles or depth charges as needed.

The SH-3 developed into a versatile performer, allowing for medevac and
transport roles as efficiently as it was utilized for warfare roles. As a
medical transport, over 20 wounded could be carried aloft, or these
personnel replaced by 9 medical litters. Additionally, some 28 combat-ready
personnel can be shuttled about when needed in the military transport role.
An interesting facet of the Sea King's design is in the ability for the
system to land on water as it is an amphibious design. Though it is limited
in the total time it can stay afloat, the hull is designed to support this
feature though it remains a seldom used capability of the Sea King's design.

The SH-3 appears in other notable guises from time to time, most notably in
the form of Marine One - the VIP transport helicopter used to shuttle the
President of the United States and is operated by the United States Marine
Corps. SH-3's were also noted in their use during the recovery of the Apollo
14 crew. In areas of USN service, the SH-3 has already begun seeing
replacement by the newer SH-60 Sea Hawk, a variant of the well-known US Army
Blackhawk helicopter platform though the system still remains in some
operational roles - particularly with other nations across the globe.

XHSS S-2 - Single Example Prototype of the H-3
YHS S-2 - Development and Test Aircraft; seven examples produced.
S-61 - Sikorsky Company Designation
S-61A - Export Designation for Royal Danish AF usage
S-61A Nuri - Export Designation for Malaysian AF usage; dedicated troop
transport; seating for 31.
S-61A/AH - Utility Model for Antarctica sear and rescue (SAR) operations
S-61B - Export Designation for Japanese MSDF usage; based on SH-3 model;
anti-submarine warfare version.
S-61D-3 - Export Model Designation for Brazil
S-61D-4 - Export Model Designation for Argentina
S-61NR - Search and rescue (SAR) model for Argentine usage.
S-61L/N - Civilian Model of the Sea King
S-61R - Sikorsky company designation for CH-3C/E and HH-3E "Jolly Green
Giant" models serving with USAF, USCG and Italian forces.
S-61V - Single Example Model produced for Indonesia; Sikorsky company
designation for VH-3A.
HSS-2 - Original Production Series Designation
CH-3A - USAF Dedicated Transport Model; conversions from SH-3A models; 3
examples converted as such.
CH-3B - USAF Dedicated Transport Model
CH-124 - Canadian Naval Model; anti-submarine warfare version
HH-3A - SH-3A model conversions to search and rescue (SAR) aircraft; 12
examples converted as such.
NH-3A (S-61F) - Experimental Variant conversion from SH-3A model; fitted
with turbojet engines and wing structures; single example model.
RH-3A - Dedicated Minesweeper; 9 examples converted from SH-3A.
SH-3A - Initial Production Model; dedicated anti-submarine warfare model;
fitted with T58-GE8B turboshaft engines of 1,260 horsepower; 245 examples
SH-3D - Upgraded SH-3 Model
SH-3D-TS - Anti-Submarine Warfare Model
SH-3G - Utility/Cargo Model for US Navy
SH-3H - Multirole/General Purpose Anti-Submarine Model; dipping sonar; MAD
gear; search radar; for US Navy
SH-3H AEW - Airborne Early Warning Model.
UH-3H - Utility/Cargo Transport Model for US Navy
VH-3A - US Army and Marines VIP Transport Model
VH-3D - US Marine Corps VIP Transport Model
AS-61/ASH-3 - Agusta Production Designation built under license in Italy.
AS-61A-1 - Italian Export Model Designation for Royal Malaysian AF use.
AS-61A-4 - Agusta license production model; search and rescue and military
transport model.
AS-61N-1 Silver - Agusta License Production Model of the S-61N but with
shorter cabin area.
AS-61VIP - Agusta license production model; VIP passenger transport model.
ASH-3A - Agusta license production model; multi-purpose utility transport
ASH-3D - Agusta license production model; anti-submarine warfare version
ASH-3TS (ASH-3D/TS) - Agusta license production executive VIP transport
ASH-3H - Agusta license production model; anti-submarine warfare version
Sea King HAS.Mk 1 - Initial Sea King production model produced under license
by Westland in the United Kingdom based on a re-engined SH-3D model; fitted
with 2 x Rolls-Royce H.1400 Gnome series engines.
Sea King HAS.Mk 2 - Westland license production
Sea King HAS.Mk 5 - Westland license production
Sea King HAS.Mk 6 - Westland license production
Sea King AEW.Mk 2A - Westland license production; dedicated AEW variant;
conversion of HAS.Mk 2 models.
Sea King AEW.Mk 5 - Westland license production; dedicated AEW variant;
conversion of HAS.Mk 5 models.
Sea King AEW.Mk 7 - Westland license production; dedicated AEW variant;
conversion of HAS.Mk 5 models.
Sea King HAR.Mk 3 - Westland license production; search and rescue (SAR)
Sea King HAR.Mk 3A - Westland license production; search and rescue (SAR)
S-61A - Mitsubishi license production; based on S-61A model; search and
rescue and utility platform.
HSS-2 - Mitsubishi license production; based on the S-61B model;
anti-submarine warfare series.
HSS-2A - Mitsubishi license production; based on the S-61B(SH-3D) model;
anti-submarine warfare series.
HSS-2B - Mitsubishi license production; based on the S-61B(SH-3H) model;
anti-submarine warfare series.

Specifications for the Sikorsky SH-3D Sea King
Length: 54.76ft (16.69m)
Width: 0.00ft (0.00m)
Height: 16.83ft (5.13m)

Performance: About MACH
Max Speed: 166mph (267kmh; 144kts)
Max Range: 624miles (1,005km)
Rate-of-Climb:0ft/min (0m/min)
Service Ceiling: 14,701ft (4,481m; 2.8miles)

Accommodation: 4 + 3
Hardpoints: 4
Empty Weight: 11,865lbs (5,382kg)
MTOW: 21,499lbs (9,752kg)

Engine(s): 2 x General Electric T58-GE-10 turboshaft engines developing
1,400shp each and driving a five-blade main rotor and five-blade tail rotor.
Armament Suite:
Varies depending on operator:

2 OR 4 x Mk 46/44 torpedoes
2 x anti-ship missiles
4 x depth charges

Up to 840lbs of ordnance and equipment. Door guns optional on some models.

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