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Friday, May 2, 2008

Malaysian Politics: Business, politics and race – the Malaysian soap opera

"AP KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (April 29, 2008): Malaysia's king urged lawmakers to preserve racial peace as he formally opened the multiethnic country's new Parliament on ..."

"Wayang Kulit" and "sendiwara" are two commonly used words when describing the goings on in Malaysia politics. For the vast majority of the electorate, such episodes provide hours of gossips, speculation and sometime outright rumour mongering. What is sad is that these people are victims of their own ignorance.

What people fail to understand is that politics is a profession. They assume that politics is only for people passionate in helping other people. Bull shit! In the English language, "altruistic" is an adjective used to describe someone who is unselfish. If the vast majority of voters believe that members of parliament have altruistic tendencies, they are very much mistaken. For them, being an MP is just another ticket to fame and fortune.

Some of the sensitive issues raised by MPs such as race and religion are only used as part of a shock tactic to make them be easily recognisable to the typical Joe on the street. In reality, they do not have any burning opinion on the issues they raised earlier. History as shown that the usual people getting the brunt of any conflict due to politics is the typical Joe on the street. Seldom would you find people that started the problem, leading the charge at the front of a mob. As I see it, only Saddam Hussein and Hitler paid with their live for their ideals. Other noteworthy political chauvinists such as Karl Marx, Pol Pot and Idi Amin all died from natural causes.

So, Malaysians, please wake-up and realise that the people in parliament are all there for one thing and one thing only; to be in a position that would allow them to make a fortune with the least amount of effort. For me, an honest road sweeper has more dignity them politicians!

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