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Monday, April 28, 2008

Recycling Initiative: Cost remains a factor in recycling industrial waste

"The Star, April 23, 2008 - "The cost factor is a major consideration for industrial waste processing," Dr. Kenny Tang told reporters at the launch of the book, WASTEnomics, turning waste liabilities into assets, which he co-edited with YTL Corp Bhd executive director of the construction division Jacob Yeoh. As an example, YTL's development in Sentul was using 100% rainwater irrigation for its landscaped gardens. "We also use gravity to power the irrigation and, therefore, save on energy usage as well. And since we don't have to take water from the (city's water) system we save on cost too," Yeoh said. YTL's wholly-owned water and wastewater utility in Britain, Wessex Water, was also meeting up to 20% of its power needs through generating energy from methane gas from sewage sludge. At times of low power usage, Wessex Water was able to sell excess energy back to the power grid, making savings of over 20%, Yeoh said."

As a country we should encourage these kinds of initiatives. We should highlight the efforts made by individuals and companies to make the world a better place to leave.

I started to harvest rain water since the year 2001. In my previous house in Taman Desa, I constructed a special gutter system on the roof that channels rain water into a tube connected to plastic barrels. The water is then used for general purpose such as washing floors and cars.

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