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Monday, July 30, 2012

Egypt - Visiting the Pyramids in Suits!

In 2008, Egypt was a very interesting place. From Cairo, after attending some meetings, we were driven by our host to Giza to witness one of 7 wonders of the ancient world - the Pyramid of Giza. On the way, I was able to snap a few photos.

Below is a typical architecture of a mosque in Egypt.

Not sure whether this can be considered an erotic shop, but the dresses sure suggest something!

Crossing the Nile river. This river is the lifeline of the country. Every single living thing in Egypt depends on this river.

Typical Egyptian womenfolks.

You will notice a lot of youth on the street. We were told by our host, unemployment was a major issue. The seed of the Summer Uprising in 2011 can be seen in the faces of the young men.

Interesting iron work on the grills of this particular house.

A sad looking horse.

I and one of our host at Giza. This complex is huge, the Spinx and Pyramids are still a few hundred meters away.

Another picture of me and my host.

In this picture you can see the 3 Pyramids and the Spinx.

As we got closer, we realised how big the monuments were.

It took us some time to walk to the monuments. Luckily it was winter in Egypt and the weather was nice.

I was also surprised with the number of visitors. I originally assumed there will be a lot them but in reality, when we were there, there was only about 6 bus loads.

The first set of monuments is the Spinx complex. Here you can see the huge carved stones used in the construction. Just amazing.

Solid stone pillars.

It would be a really treat to be to know the technology used all those years ago to build this complex.

The Spinx minus its nose. I was made to understand, its nose was destroyed by cannon fire by Napoleon a few hundred years ago.

We look really weird with suits at the Pyramids when compared to the other visitors.

For what ever reason, our host insist that we travel the whole complex via pony wagon!

The angle of the sun at this time made the sand looks golden.

The golden Pyramid.

The blocks used to make the Pyramids. Actually, contrary to popular belief, the stones are not of a consistent size. They come in all sizes as shown in the picture below.

At the end of the day, we headed back towards the city of Cairo. On the way back we past the Saladin's fortress.


Chris from said...

Haha nice! Traveling the desert in a formal attire. For a change probably lol.. After the revolution, I guess most of Egypt is now safe and ready for tourists right? Many people say just avoid the obvious like Tahrir Square in case of any demonstrations.

David from said...

Egypt is so rich in culture, I would definitely want to visit soon.


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