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Monday, August 17, 2009

N1H1 and the Economy

Today I was told that one of my staff could be affected by the N1H1 virus. Her kid got it from school and she may have gotten it from there. As a consequence, one week of productivity goes down the drain.

From a business perspective, it is very disruptive. Although the mortality rate is similar to normal flu, because this is a new strain, everybody can be affected at the same time!

Two options are available. The first is to bite the bullet and get everyone on planet Earth get infected so the natural immunity process kicks in. Upside to this strategy; the cycle gets complete faster and we can then continue with our lives. Downside; economy comes to a near standstill.

The second option is to delay the inevitable by using quarantine or other methods. Upside; economy continues to growth although at a slower pace. Downside; stress for everyone.

Which one is the best?

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