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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The victim of crime

Last night my brother called me up to inform me that someone has broken into my parents' house to steal. Both my parents and my sister are currently away in Europe. The saddest part was that yesterday was my mom's 69th birthday. Not something that you want happening to you on your birthday!

Thank God my parents kept all the precious stuff in the bank. Nevertheless, it is very disruptive to everyone. My brother who stays close to my parents' had to take emergency leave to clean up the mess. Even now, we are not sure what was actually taken. We will only know when they get back.

I was also informed that the thief also broke into the next door house just across the street. The family was having dinner but they didn't hear anything. I was told that they lost passports, jewelry and approximately RM3,000 in cash. The good was that they have CCTV and the police have gotten a copy of the recording and will try to enhance the image to see the suspect.

My brother told me also that the house is in a mess, not only from the break-in but also from the dusting powder used by the police. Both my brother and sister-in-law as well as my cousin are there right now. I will make a visit soon.

The Blogger.

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