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Friday, April 10, 2009

Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill (A22)

The Churchill proved to be the most important British tank of World War Two.

The British Churchill series of tanks was the most important British tank of the Second World War. Built in numbers second only to the Valentine, the Churchill was designed to replace the aging Matildas. Reminiscent of tank design doctrine of the First World War, the Churchill was a heavy, plodding weapon system in a time when tank design was finally coming into its own.

The chassis was so adaptable that a multitude of variants (some listed below) existed to the time the war ended and well up to 1965, when the last Churchill AVRE vehicle was at last retired. United Kingdom forces fighting in Korea also employed the Churchill Infantry tank. Most of the variants used in Korea were of the Mk III designation. A total of 13 Mk variants existed.

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