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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Political Manoeuvrings in Perak

The current political situation in Perak is a very interesting case study on strategic brinkmanship. The ability to force your opponent's hand by using means that, although legal, have very wide implications for the future must be studied in detail. Issues on constitutional rights, monarchy as well as the authority of the legislative council and the courts come together in a very explosive mixture.

Using a layman's attitude to conflict resolution, we must first prioritise what is most important. In this particular case, the Sultan of Perak has requested the old Government to resign as he is convinced that the old Government has lost its mandate to govern. The process to which he made his decision was also well televised and reported whereby he interviewed all those involved individually before making his decision.

Faced with such information, it is natural to expect the outcome of his action.

However, the losing party does not see it that way and via the action of the Speaker of the legislative council commenced to act in a manner that goes against his position of being neutral.

Whichever way this episode ends, what is clear is that the concept of constitutional monarchy must be relooked into. We cannot have a position that an individual can force a whole state at ransom by just invoking his rights as a Speaker despite an authority of a higher level having made his decision.

I for one would like to see more powers to be given back to the Sultans.

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