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Monday, March 23, 2009

How Italian Tell Time

Please read the story before you play the movie because the movie is in Italian...

it is funny!~~~!

SETUP: An elderly Italian man is sleeping on the side of the road on a pile
of hay. He is awakened by a wealthy man on a motorcycle who asks for the
time. The old gentleman has a donkey next to him and by simply feeling the
donkey's testicles, he tells the man on the motorcycle the time.

This gentleman on his return trip spots the old man again and, thinking the
old man was just lucky, asks him again. To the wealthy man's surprise, the
old man is exactly correct again about the time.

Now watch the video ...

1 comment:

iyouwe said...

nanged u! nang this if u want to can't stop laughing! nang me!


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