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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Renault FT-17

The Renault FT-17 series of light tank was a monumental design that would go on to influence general tank design for nearly a century. The FT-17 was designed from the outset to be of a light classification, offering it better mobility and road speed than its lumbering medium and heavy tank counterparts. The FT-17 brought into play to crucial design elements that are still utilized to this day - that of a separate fully-rotating turret (appearing as both cast and welded types) mounting the tank's main armament and that of mounting the engine to the rear of the system, protecting the most vital area of the tank.

The FT-17 came about through, in part, the persistence of one Colonel Jean-Baptiste Estienne of the French military. The idea of fielding light-class tanks in World War 1 was something of a nonsense theory with French war planner's insistence on large and lumbering "landships" and heavy tanks. The resulting Renault design produced a two-man system, mounting a potent 37mm main gun and an additional one or two 7.62mm machine guns for self-defense. The FT-17, from the surface, was as much a unique design as it was the appearance of a child's life-size riding toy.

Nevertheless, the FT-17 proved crucial to French offensives in the latter years of the war. The system was fielded in the Spring of 1917 though they would not see action until the following year. American Expeditionary Forces were also fielded with the FT-17 but in it's Americanized M1917 6-ton form - complete with American production modifications.

A capable system, the FT-17 continued on in a post-war world. Sadly for some host nations, the FT-17 was still a part of their defense during the time of the German Blitzkriegs of early World War 2. Large production orders during and following World War 1 would ensure that the system was still operating in some capacity well into the mid and late 1930's.

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