The renovation was completed in March 2005. For the next two months, the process of moving started. I officially moved on 26 May 2005. Below are some pictures depicting the scene in the house at that time.
My mechanical maid, the Electrolux dishwasher in the centre of the photo below. It was an relatively expensive investment in 2005, but well worth it.
Dining area with an 8-sitter.
A shot of the small reading enclave. You can just see the camera that I put at the top of the main beam of the house (top right hand corner).
The first floor. I put an old couch in the family room. For the dead area between the second that third room on that floor, I installed a simple bookshelf (sized it just for paperbacks) from floor to ceiling height.
On the other side of the family room is another set of bookshelves (for bigger books). This time is is covered by either a solid door (the bottom set) or a glass door (the top). Meanwhile for the middle section, its open.
For the children's room. More bookshelves.
The kids' cupboard.
The master bedroom. The PC controls the security cameras all around the house. The windows are all individual stand-alone unit. Can't really have curtains - so, roman blinds is the way to go.
The panel at the side of the set of switches is for the security system. It controls all the lights in the house (you can, with a set of codes, switch on or off any lights in the house). I think this is a good place to set up a ghost house. Easy to scare people when you can play with the lights without actually using the switches!
Originally wanted to create a walk-in-cabinet but decided against it as it will make the room look small. I like to have a big feel to the room.
The ground floor guest room with the ironing board extended.
The ground floor guest room's cupboard.
The main display cabinet. This is one part of the renovation that I felt didn't turn out the way I thought it would be. It looks very 1970s. Something our parents would appreciate. Interesting to note that we still use a 20 inch CRT TV! A Sumsung that has been in service for more than 10 years - it refuses to die.
The little reading area at the baywindow on the grown floor. Below the low built in sitting/lying area, I've added storage space in the form of drawers to keep stuff.
Another room attached to the kitchen was turned into a larder. It was supposed to be a maid's room. Since we don't have a maid, another place for storage! We also put in a stand-alone freezer in this room.
The shot taken, looking into the activity room on the first floor. As you go in, the cupboard that we install creates a corridor like effect.
Activity room full of stuff for the kids to spent time on. Although I would like to have a big screen for gaming, wifey vetoed that idea! Oh well, some day....
The family room as seen from the second floor landing. The double volume of the space makes it airy.
The second floor guest room also has a exercise bike! Can offer homestay services or a Bed & Breakfast.
The cabinet was from the old house. Already full of books!
On the second floor, the full wall cabinet at the home office room is also fully occupied.
The home office area with computer and printer. The window is a nice touch as you can see far (this is on the second floor).
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Compared to the show house - so different!