
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

USA Trip 2013: Part 6.1 - Off to Universal Studios, Hollywood California

[Please refer to previous postings]

A new day has dawned and a new adventure awaits us at Universal Studios, Hollywood California. After a simple breakfast in the room, we trooped down to the lobby to catch the bus. My kids sitting patiently next to a hidden mickey (the brass plates on the ground).

While waiting, took the opportunity to take some pictures of the hotel facade.

We rode on a feeder bus to the main bus terminal to catch the dedicated bus to Universal Studios.

At the main terminal, those going to Universal Studios were allocated a dedicated Double Decker bus. It was pleasantly not that full of people.

It was a wonderful day. The sky was clear and visibility was superb. Flat land with no visible tall buildings. Not surprised as this is an earthquake prone zone.

Massive billboard on Hublot beside the freeway.

Freeways in US are so wide.

Typical homes in the suburbs.

Coming into Los Angeles. Here you can see some tall buildings. We were told by the bus driver that these building were built using special techniques to withstand earthquakes. Because of that they are expensive to build and hence the limited numbers seen.

On top of the furthest hill is the famous Hollywood sign (barely see it).

Getting closer to the sign but still too far to get a good shot with my iPhone 5.

At last, Universal Studios. The last time my wife and I was in front of the globe was August 1995, 17 years ago. This time, with 3 kids in tow.

My kids-in-tow.

Similar in concept to Disneyland (i.e. Downtown Disney), there are some businesses opened outside the gates such as restaurants etc. but in a smaller scale.

The Studio's highstreet.

Haunted house.

Cartoon characters area: Cartooniversal.

A painted backdrop of New York plus some props.

A fibreglass Jaws.

The Hollywood sign....painted backdrop actually!

The valley where all the movie magic happens.

To be continued.

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