
Friday, June 10, 2011

Final memories of my Ford Ranger - in pictures and video

These are some pictures I took of my Ford Ranger at home after committing to its sale earlier in the day. It was one hell of a workhorse. Jungles and rivers it has gone into with no apparent problems but age is catching up.

All of kids love this car since they were small. When we moved to Putrajaya in the 2005, there were lots of construction sites which opens a lot of opportunities to go 4x4 off-roading.

My wife reminded me the about the first road trip we took with the car. We went North to Kedah.

Despite the old age (11 years old, a year shy from my eldest daughter) as well as being parked under a tree and in the sun, the paint is still bright.

You do get nostalgic selling of a car especially if that car was bought for a purpose and that purpose was met even more than what was expected. For a car that I originally bought for RM72,000 (inclusive of the rims, bull bar and canopy) 11 years ago from the manufacturer, I was surprised that it retained a relatively high retail value today.

Here is a video of the car fording (no pun intended) a river somewhere near Kuala Kubu Baru. I was heading towards a jungle campsite.

Who ever becomes the next owner, I'll bet you will enjoy it as much as I did.

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