
Monday, April 13, 2015

Shape Night Run 2015 Putrajaya - Participated in the 11.2 km

Last Saturday, 11 April 2015, I took part in the Shape Night Run 2015 in Putrajaya. I participated in the competitive 11.2 km run under the Junior Veteran category.

My wife took part in the fun 5 km run.

Unfortunately, the weather was pouring with rain, thunder and lightning.

All the competitors had to find shelter while waiting for the flag off. Unfortunately, the 8:00 pm flag off was postponed to wait for the weather to clear.

We actually had to wait for an additional 45 minutes before the organisers allowed to run to proceed. The new time was 8:45 pm.

All the runners heading to the starting point.

...waiting for the we go!!!

The was some drizzling and lightning show but the run went on uneventfully. I finished the line 1:46 hours using my own timing (still waiting to get my official timing from the organisers).

As usual, after the race we received our freebies as well as a medal.

Happy to complete the event still standing up....

Selfie with medal.

People were still streaming in .....

My official bib with the RFID chip imbedded.

The medal.

The distance.

I used the RUNTASTIC program to track my progress.

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