
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bucharest, Romania - A walk about town - Part 03

Continuation from Bucharest, Romania - Checking into Intercontineal Hotel - Part 02

I had the afternoon to explore the city. As the hotel is in the middle of the city, I do not need to walk far to see the sights.

Bucharest is an old and very city. I hardly see any rubbish on the streets. However, I see a lot of graffiti on practically everything in the city. Note the picture below. This is the city campus of one of the primary universities in Romania. Noticed the walls?

Weather was a nice single digit Celsius. Excellent weather for walking.

The Central Bank of Romania has an imposing facade. Romania is very proud of being part of the EU and everywhere you go you will see the Romanian flag as the EU flag flying side by side.

One thing I have to note is the number of casinos as well as the erotic shops in town. They are everywhere. Even the Intercontinental Hotel has a casino. Although I only saw one beggar on the street throughout my four day stay in the city, every time I went out, I would be approached by pimps. Even though I felt safe in the city, the constant badgering by pimps leaves a slight bitter taste to the overall experience. 

Above is the picture of the Intercontinental Hotel. When it was built, it was the tallest building in town. In the picture also you can a typical city park with a lot of statues and sculptures. Note the heavily stickers-ed street lamp.

A close up of the hotel structure. Note also the clear blue sky (unlike in Kuala Lumpur which was smoky).

To be continued.

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