
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tokyo Trip: 07 - The trip back home (End)

Please refer to the previous posting.

It was a downcast day when I left Tokyo for home. The early morning mist cast an emerald green blanket over the whole city. Very unique and I was lucky enough to be able to capture it.

Below is a short video I took while on the bus heading towards Narita Airport.

After going thorough immigrations, had to ride a train from the main terminal to a satellite terminal where all the planes were parked.

Took a MAS flight and under the One World Group shared the hospitality suite of Quantas. Not great in terms of food but plentiful of beers!

Nicely tucked into my seat for the 7 hour flight home.

Once arrived, took another mode of transportation, the ERL train to KL Sentral Station.

My only purchase from the Tokyo trip is the nice green dialed Seiko SRB017 Alpinist watch.

The watch in the watchbox with all Japanese instructions. I was told by the salesperson that English translations are available from the website.

Looks nice on my wrist doesn't it?

If ever you are in Tokyo, do visit this shop. It has 7 floors of interesting stuff, not the same stuff  you get in a Jaya Jusco or Metro Jaya or Robinsons.

Went to see Tokyo Tower but didn't go up. Did get a brochure on it though.

These are two essential items you need when in Tokyo. The "Handy Guide" and the "Handy Map". It list all the best places to see and do in Tokyo.

This map also shows the underground rail network.

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