
Friday, December 21, 2012

Energy from the oceans 4

The Terminator

Company: The U.S. Air Force Academy

This model was inspired by airplane design. The wing-shaped turbine blades force water to flow faster over one side than the other, creating different pressures on each surface. This results in a "lift" toward the low-pressure side; lift is the upward force that happens when you hold your hand horizontally out the window of a moving car. In contrast, typical water turbines rely on drag, or the direct push of the water—like sticking your hand out flat against the wind. By employing lift instead of drag, engineer and owner Stefan Siegel says the device (theoretically) could use 99 percent of a wave's energy, compared to the 50 percent efficiency or less that current tidal power projects can get. Siegel hasn't tried the device in the ocean yet. He's working to scale up the prototype to make it strong enough for testing off the coast of Texas later this year.

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