
Thursday, December 27, 2012

A handheld Torch That Cuts Through Steel

Saw this article in Popular Mechanics. Scary piece of equipment!

An offshoot of a military project, the Metal Vapor Torch could allow law enforcement officers to cut chains and padlocks fast.

The Metal Vapor Torch might be the next best thing to a lightsaber: a belt tool that can generate a blade of flame that slices through a half-inch steel bar in less than a second.

Energetic Materials & Products, Inc. of Round Rock, Texas designed the MVT as a tactical breaching tool for police and others who need to cut through bolts, chains, and padlocks quickly. By using reactive material technology with solid fuel and an oxidizer, the MVT is cheaper, lighter, and more compact than a traditional oxy–acetylene torch.

At the heart of the MVT is a reaction between copper oxide and precisely graded particles of magnesium and aluminum; consistent particle size is crucial to ensure that the torch burns at the desired temperature. The result is a jet of flame with a temperature over 2700 C (nearly 5000 F) and a speed of over 2000 meters (more than a mile) per second. A rectangular carbon fiber nozzle shapes the jet into a flat blade for cutting. The jet has higher energy density than a gas flame; the cutting action is produced by a combination of heat and abrasion by particles of metal oxide.

The MVT is the size of a tactical flashlight and is quiet in operation. The fuel comes in small cartridges which burn for a couple of seconds; a fresh cartridge can be loaded rapidly so the operator can cut through several obstacles in quick succession, and the torch handle can be reloaded and used as many times as needed. The solid fuel is highly resistant to shock and is safe at temperatures up to 550 C (1022 F). 

Dennis Wilson, the CEO of EMPI, says that the torch will be priced at around $135, with the intent that it be affordable enough to be supplied to every member of a police team. Cartridges will be about $35 each. The first preproduction version of the MVT will ship later this year, and feedback from users will help shape the final production model, Wilson says.

EMPI has also developed other versions of the MVT. For instance, the design can be scaled up, and Wilson has tested larger versions capable of cutting through inch-thick steel. The MVT could be equipped with fuel cartridges that incorporate abrasive additives for cutting through fiberglass. An alternative round nozzle could punch holes rather than cutting straight lines.

The MVT—which is a spinoff from work done by the U.S. Air Force—would be useful for first responders who need to cut through rebar to rescue accident victims. It works as well underwater as it does in air, making it suitable for divers, and it can be triggered remotely, or used by a robot, to swiftly disarm IEDs without setting them off.

Criminals could also easily misuse it—which is why Wilson says the MVT will be supplied to approved customers only.

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