
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rumours: Is Osama really dead? Or is he now locked up in a special security facility in the Appalachian mountain range?

One of my favourite mystery writer is Robert Ludlum. Read all his novels. I was just thinking if I was him, I could write a book about how Osama was captured instead of killed and how the media was used to spin a different story. I would hazard a guess that the book would have the following plot:

1. It was not a kill order by the US Government but a capture order because Osama has very important information about the true financier of his adventure.

2. To make the death story plausible, report about a 40 minute fire-fight was highlighted to the media and 3 dead people was identified at the location. In actual fact, only Osama courier was fighting back. One man against a whole commando unit for 40 minutes?

3. To give a strong credence of the ferocity of the fight, a helicopter was sacrificed with the official story of it malfunctioning hence the need to destroy it knowing full well people will believe that it was shot down instead. Moreover, the helicopter was said to be a special one where it has 6 blades instead of the traditional 4 blades for the Blackhawk helicopter. Very surprisingly, this is the only part of the helicopter that survived intact from the "planned destruction" to be easily photographed and published. Classic misdirection. 

4. Informing the world that Osama was buried at sea so that his grave won't be made into a shrine. For the first time the US blatantly went against the Geneva Convention on the handling of war dead. Even immigrants that drown crossing the Rio Grande river is given a proper burial.

5. The US authorities suddenly becomes a moral and ethical beacon of the world by categorically not wishing to publish the picture of the dead Osama. This is the country that easily publish pictures of its soldiers mistreating prisoners. They don't mind harming the reputation of their own people but publishing a picture of the dead Osama is a no-no?!?

With the world focusing on the wrong thing, the interrogation of Osama started in earnest and the shocking truth started to emerge. Osama has been funded by NeoCons in the US itself with the intention of creating a reason for world dominance.

The book then starts to become exciting. A secret civil war erupts with assassins and proxy wars being fought around the world. At the end.....

Well, can't tell you everything yet. By the way, do you any famous authors will take this and continue with my take on the situation?

Time will tell.

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