
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama in Pakistan, US special forces in Pakistan, US drone planes over Pakistan but where is Pakistan's Government?

Although I cringed writing anything political but this time I had to as I just could not understand how someone could still wake up in the morning and feel good with one self.

This particular questiong: "Osama in Pakistan, US special forces in Pakistan, US drone planes over Pakistan but where is Pakistan's Government?" has been haunting me for a few days now.

On a moral, ethical as well as self honour level, how can the political powers in Pakistan can face the world when everything they say are lies/half-truths?

Lie 1: Osama is not in Pakistan > Not True
Lie 2: Pakistan has a say in the flights of the killer drones > Not True
Lie 3: Pakistan does not allow foreign fighters operating on the ground > Not True

These three lies are just the ones uncovered on Sunday. Can you imagine what else could be lurking?

As a matter of policy, I believe in the the practice of not poking into other countries affairs. We should be neutral about this. However, on a personal and moral standpoint, when it is as clear as day the lies being told, please do what is honourable and pass the baton to someone that can at least be seen as still having the moral and ethical high ground.

Yes, politics can be dirty and politicians can be easily sucked into the dark side. Once caught, just own up and resign...

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