
Monday, March 21, 2011

UN strikes against Libya - Justified? Don't think so!

Coalition strike hits Gaddafi's control centre

When will the superpowers learn that it is not good to be a busy-body? A country's internal affairs is none of our business. Those people fighting in Libya is all about politics, not because of their colour or their religion.

In my view, physical intervention is only justified if someone is oppressed because of his or her (1) faith; and/or (2) physical attributes. In this case, it is just one group that does not like one particular individual leading the country (that individual has his set of supporters as well!). So, the issues is about one's political view. To kill someone because of this view is pure madness.

Politics can change so why bother going to war over it?


  1. I'm sorry that I don't agree with your writing about politic in Libya. In my 1/2 cent opinion, the intervening of the West in Libya is for political purposes. They intend to create some political changes in Libya in place of Gaddafi...with someone who they can use, control and will abide by their decisions. They have waited so long for this opportunity. This poor Libya will end up its fate just like Afghanistan and Iraq...

  2. My view is the same with you. The western powers are using the pretext of problems in the country to put their puppet in.

    In this case, it is the Libyans' internal problem, so why bother to intervene anyway? answer is simple: control of the oil.
