
Monday, March 8, 2010

Why I don’t think there is such a thing as “global warming”

All this talk about "global warming" is just hogwash. The world have been around for 4.5 billion years and as it goes through cycles. The idea that man could, during the last 200 years, irreparably change the world's weather is preposterous. The thought that owning cars could be a major contributor to carbon dioxide poisoning of the world has been disproved as the methane generated by cows generated more greenhouse gasses! The moral of the story? Start eating meat and stop being a vegetarian!

Another great fallacy is the thought that development in green powered cars would be a positive impact to the environment. The cost of using exotic materials to make such a vehicle compared to the simple internal combustion engine does not justify the investment and the use of such resources. In fact, the best performing car is the VW Polo 1.4 diesel engine. This car's fuel efficiency even beat the likes of the Toyota Prius.

The moral of the story: just consume in moderation.

The Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice blog entry there!
    Well, the world evolves, if we were to reduce our carbon footprint, let's just forget about advancement altogether right? hehee
