Horizons is all futurism, all the time. The animatronic-filled, slow-moving, dark ride first pays tribute to some of the past's more outlandish visions of the future, with sci-fi dioramas showing off robot butlers, tube-based mass transit and a healthy dose of neon lights. The ride then takes a turn for the serious, replacing cartoonish prognostication with faux-realistic visions. Surprisingly, some elements of this vision of the future have actually come to pass, at least in some form:
-A family is depicted engaging in television-based videoconferencing in their living room. To anybody who has Skype, this is simple and possible. But the glasses-free 3D that the videoconferencing is presented in is a little more difficult to pull off today, even with recent advances that have made home-based 3D TV cheap and easy to use.
-A man is seen playing a keyboard that is controlled by waving his hand over it. Could this futuristic theremin have been forecasting today's DIY laser harp trend?
-Robotic farming: A former desert is shown being farmed by large, fully automated robotic machines. Bot farming is still fairly new, with applications limited to a few specialized, custom-built machines, but it definitely exists.
-Underwater personal subs: Residents of an underwater mineral-mining city (it's never stated what minerals they are extracting) are shown venturing out into the their backyards using personal subs. We aren't living under the sea just yet, but personal submarines are here—if you have the cash.
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