
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to promote English in Malaysia

There is a lot of talk regarding the promotion of English in Malaysia. Putting all the responsibility on the Government is cowardly. English is a living subject i.e. its growth will only happen when it is practiced. Money and physical infrastructure are not the problem areas. It is having experienced English speaking practitioners that are the core issue.

My suggestion is for the Government to set aside a small budget to pay these experts to go to schools a couple of hours a week and engage themselves to groups of students at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Payment can be made by the hours. This will encourage a lot of people to volunteer for this effort even if they can only afford 1 hour a month for this.

Who are the experts you may ask? They are just like you and me, able to speak and communicate in English. They can be captain of industries or just retirees. Looking at the logistics, you have close to 750,000 potential English teachers available on tap for the nation. What are we waiting for?

The Blogger.


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