
Thursday, July 23, 2009

THE BIKE: Tikit 2 Ride

The Tikit unfolds in a series of motions a bit more complex than three
simple clips, including lifting the bike and swinging the back wheel
alongside the front. This occurs in one smooth move but can be tiresome for
anyone who has trouble lifting 25 pounds. The bike has another small catch,
unfolding the seat post. In order to unhook it from the seat stay, it's best
to push down and slightly pull the seat from the groove holding it in place.
But the Tikit's minor obstacles are quickly overcome with a couple of
practice tries folding and unfolding the bike. The best thing about it is
the handle at the end of the top tube that lets you push the folded bike
around like a wheelbarrow. This makes it easy to transport the bike from
place to place when it's collapsed, even in a crowded city.

THE RIDE: We expected the bike to feel wobbly because of its 16-inch wheels,
but instead found that it rode smoothly. With its eight gears and thin
wheels, it's no mountain bike, but the Tikit is perfect for a leisurely ride
through the park or around the neighborhood. It's the little foldable bike
that could withstand the harsh pavement of New York City.

FOOTPRINT OPEN: 57 x 23 x 42 in.
FOOTPRINT FOLDED: 34 x 16 x 24 in.
TIME TO SET UP: 0:18 sec (on first try).

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