
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Top 10 Web tools for editing digital pictures

Saw this article from CNN. If anyone out there is looking for a free online
tool for photo editing, please refer to the article republished below.
Personally, I prefer "Photoshop Express".


(CNN) -- Digital cameras are now as common and affordable to the average
family as the Polaroid of the '60s.

Best thing about 'em? You don't even have to take your film in to the corner
drugstore to get developed -- because digital cameras don't rely on film to
make their pictures "stick." Thanks to technology, the entire process, from
clicking the shutter to printing the pictures, is now entirely within the
power of the consumer.

Maybe you've taken a picture that's just not as perfect as you'd like it to
be. Instead of being at the mercy of a darkroom-shackled photo lackey to
improve upon it, you've got more tools than ever to take it upon yourself to
edit, store, organize, and share your images with the world.

Here's a roundup of 10 free, and mostly free, online tools for the budding
digital photographer:

1.Picnik -- Summed up from the site: "Picnik makes your photos fabulous with
easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart's content, then
get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames." If you
already use Flickr for your photos (here's what I do with mine), you're only
a click away from taking a Picnik. That's how I discovered it, and it's
worked fairly well for me to this point.

2.Splashup-- Splashup "is a powerful editing tool and photo manager. With
all the features professionals use and novices want, it's easy to use, works
in real-time, and allows you to edit many images at once." You'd wonder how
something this extensive could be free - and it all runs within the browser.

3.FotoFlexer -- FotoFlexer bills itself as "the world's most advanced online
image editor." With it, you can edit photos from Photobucket, MySpace,
Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, and "more places." I'm not quite sure what "more
places" means, but last I checked, this does not include a phone booth.

4.Pixlr -- "Pixlr is a free online photo editor; jump in and start: edit,
adjust, filter. It's just what you imagine!" Alexa says it's the "fastest
growing photo editor online." If these resources are starting to look
similar to your eye, remember you don't have to use all of them - just pick
the one that works best for your needs.

5.flauntR-- flauntR is a suite that includes the ability to edit images, add
effects, add text, and print the results on everything from mugs to posters.
You might be overwhelmed with the options here, but... isn't that better
than being underwhelmed?

6.Photoshop Express-- Adobe's Photoshop was really the first image editor of
its kind to herald in the age of digital photography, though it was designed
for professionals and its endless options could be daunting (and bank-
breakingly expensive) for the layman. Now, is on the Web to
help that very same layman -- for free or plus levels of membership -- edit,
store, and share his photos. Lots of helpful tutorials promise to guide the
casual user through editing pickles.

7.PiZap-- PiZap's tagline is "fun with photos made easy." It's another
flavor of photo editor/storage center that, like flauntR, allows you to
print the results to mugs, bags, and t-shirts. PiZap invites developers to
check out its API for more personalization options (which is usually a good

8.Aviary-- Aviary lets you: "edit images, create mind-blowing effects,
design logos, find colors, collaborate, and more. All you need is a Web
browser." This particular brand looks to be the one to beat, as they have
several different tools in development. I'm guessing that within five years,
this one is going to be at the top of every person's list of Web-based image

9.DrPic-- DrPic says it's "the easiest free online picture editor" and that
it has "processed over five million pictures." I say they're easy enough,
but not necessarily THE easiest. Everything's relative, no?

10.Cameroid -- Cameroid lets you "take crazy (or not) snaps with your webcam
straight from your browser." I featured this one in a live video a
while ago, and it certainly deserves to be mentioned again. If you're
looking for something else to do with your webcam, give it a cameroid (which
isn't as painful as it might sound).

As you can see, there are plenty of options for photo editing, storing, and
sharing out there. Some are going to fit your personal workflow more neatly
than others, so it's worth it to try a few and see what works best for your

Links referenced within this article.

here's what I do with mine
Photoshop Express

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