
Friday, June 19, 2009

Type 77 heavy machine gun (PR China)

Type 77 heavy machine gun on universal tripod, in AA position; note periscope optical sight

Type 77 heavy machine gun on universal tripod, in ground fire (low-profile) position

Caliber: 12,7x108mm
Weight: 28 kg (gun) + 28.3 kg (tripod)
Length: 2150 mm
Length of barrel: 1016 mm
Feeding: Belt, 60 rounds
Rate of fire: 650-700 rounds per minute

During the mid-1970s PLA (Chinese army) has decided to develop a lighter 12,7mm weapon, suitable for mobile AA applications, from ground and vehicle mounts, as well as for ground troops support, which shall replace ageing 12,7mm Type 54 (Copy of Soviet DShKM) heavy machine guns. The new weapon was officially adopted by the PLA in 1977 as the 12,7mm Type 77 HMG; its mass production commenced in 1980. This weapon had a somewhat unusual (for a machine gun) direct impingement gas operated action, apparently in attempt to save on the weight of the moving parts. Its basic locking system and belt feed were adaptations of the proven DShKM solutions, and the entire gun with a universal tripod weighs some 56 kilograms – less than half that of the Type 54 / DShKM on its mount. The Type 77 HMG has a very heavy barrel with a prominent muzzle brake, and a slender, tubular receiver. The Type 77 was usually issued with low-magnification optical sight, suitable for both anti-air and ground applications. It seems, however, that this gun left something to be desired, as just five years after its entrance into service it was replaced in production by a newer weapon, known as the 12.7mm Type 85 heavy machine gun.

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