
Friday, February 20, 2009

A bloody disgrace to King and Country!

The situation in Perak is a bloody disgrace. How can PR which supposedly be championing the people do something so stupid. This is treason and a mockery of the concept of democracy.

We the people should now realize what PR's one and only goal; the complete control of Malaysia's government. They don't care if the shit hits the fan.

We are living in dangerous times. All that we worked for the last 50 years will go up in smoke if this kind of dangerous political maneuvering continues to take place.

Daulat Tuanku! Long live the King!

Below is the editorial from NST.


TRONOH state assemblyman V. Sivakumar, a novice to elected office, appointed speaker of the state assembly of Perak Darul Ridzwan after a general election split down the middle between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, has since done grievous disservice to the office.

The speaker, although nominated by the majority party in government, is expected to act impartially with respect to the state assembly, and is granted a deciding vote in the event of hung decisions. When the assembly is as evenly divided as it was after the 2008 general election, the speaker must be a lynchpin, coupling the disparate coaches of the assembly together in the train of governance. Instead, Sivakumar has behaved since his appointment as though his only role has been to safeguard the interests of his party.

Since the beginning of this fiasco in Perak, with the speaker tendering the undated resignation letters of two assemblymen who have since aligned themselves with BN, up till his suspension on Wednesday of newly designated Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Kadir and six BN executive councillors, Sivakumar has comported himself as an implacable foe of BN. In consequence, the people of Perak now have to contemplate two unexpected, unwanted and deeply enervating prospects: the snap state election PR seems to want, or the emergency orders this nation was all too familiar with in the past and had dared believe were no longer an option, as they are the very antithesis of whatever "maturity" our democracy had hoped to attain through all our recent political upheavals.

As such, all protagonists in the mess that Perak politics has fallen into, amounting to the breakdown of its government, must ask themselves the point of all this. What was the rakyat's true verdict last March? Nowhere did either BN or PR have such a majority as to declare the other the People's Enemy. In such a divided polity, it is incumbent on the government of the day to strive to conjoin the divided halves of the electorate, not to cleave them fatally asunder. Our system and institutions of governance are designed for national unity, not dismemberment. Do our elected representatives think their constituents truly want to see the destruction of our national constructs; the disregard of royal prerogative, usurpation of legislative fiat and inundation of the judicial system with arcane questions of constitutional law? If so, the voters now know the consequences of having elected quite the wrong sort of Malaysians to reign over them.

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